Academic degree: Dr.Sci.(Geo.-Min.)
Academic rank: Academician, RAS
Position: Chairman of the RAS Scientific Council
Affiliation: Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, SB RAS / Novosibirsk State University
Details: Alexey E. KONTOROVICH, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, is the chair of the RAS Research Council on the Problems of Geology and Development of Oil, Gas, and Coal Deposits and the scientific director of the SB RAS Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum and Gas Geology and Geophysics.
Among the many awards bestowed on Kontorovich are the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, order “For Service to the Fatherland” of the III and IV degree, Order of Merit, medal “For Development of Mineral Resources and Development of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Complex,” etc. He was awarded the titles of the Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of the Oil Industry, and Honored Worker of the Gas Industry. Kontorovich is the winner of the Global Energy International Prize (2009), the State Prize of Russia (1994), the Russian Government Prize (2002), laureate of A. N. Kosygin (2003) and N. K. Baibakov (2007) awards, was awarded the Triumph prize (2005), Demidov Prize (2005), I. M. Gubkin Prize, and M. A. Lavrent’ev Prize (2013), etc. Kontorovich is the author and coauthor of more than 900 scientific publications, has registered 4 inventions, and has been granted 3 patents.
Kontorovich has made an important contribution to the theory of oil and gas genesis; in cooperation with the RAS members A. A Trofimuk, V. S. Surkov, and other scientists, he worked out the theoretical and practical foundations for the prediction and discovery of the hydrocarbon potential in the Precambrian reservoirs of East Siberia. He has contributed greatly to the exploration and development of the major oil and gas provinces of Russia: Zapadno-Sibirskaya, Lena-Tunguska, and Khatanga-Vilyui. In the 1970–1980s, Kontorovich participated in the development of comprehensive programs for the exploration and prospecting of the oil and gas provinces in West and East Siberia and Yakutia. He is one of the authors of Energy Strategy of Russia and Strategy for the Economic Development of Siberia.
Kontorovich is the head of the Chair of Oil and Gas Field Geology, Novosibirsk National Research University
Author's info
Aleksey E. Kontorovich
Author's publications