We invite authors from research institutes and universities to submit articles.
We consider papers of various genres and volume addressed to a wide range of educated readers: review articles, research results on relevant topics, science and technology news, etc.
We also invite photographers and artists to cooperation.
More information on the type and format of contributions can be obtained from the print copies of the journal and from the materials posted on this website.
If an article is accepted for publication, the author will receive a copy of the licensing agreement.
The licensing agreement is signed when the parties agree on the volume of the journal article and the composition of the illustrative material for which the author has (or can obtain) copyright.
The editorial staff is ready to assist the authors in seeking out copyright to publish illustrations.
Individual articles of the licensing agreement can be changed at the author’s request after discussing the suggestions at the Editorial Office.
Questionnaire for Authors
Instructions for Authors
1. General Rules:
The main way in which authors can contribute to shortening the time between submission and publication of a manuscript is to follow the requirements in these Instructions for Authors.
The journal SCIENCE First Hand accepts for publication articles, reviews, brief reports, and letters to the editors that will be of interest to the broad readership of the journal.
Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office as an electronic version by e-mail or by post.
Articles sent to the journal SCIENCE First Hand must not have been previously published or submitted for publication to other journals.
Editors provide detailed advice about the format and style of articles, and pay particular attention to summaries, titles, overall clarity, and figures. The editorial office will contact authors of accepted articles about changes that might be needed for publications, and authors are welcome to discuss proposed corrections with editors. But the editorial board reserves the right to reject articles and to make the final decision about necessary revisions aimed at greater clarity or conformity of style.
2. Manuscript Preparation:
The languages of the journal are Russian and English. Articles can be submitted either in Russian or in English. The language should be clear and accurate.
Acceptable formats for the manuscript are MS Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). All pages should be numbered.
Articles should not normally exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces). Preferred length of a publication is no longer than 17,000 characters. Some materials can be presented as a series of articles.
Please include a structured summary of the objective, main points, and conclusions of the paper up to 1,000 characters (without references numbers or abbreviations unless essential). The summary should be comprehensible to readers outside the author’s own discipline.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citation. References should be cited in the text in the form (Author et al, 1993) and listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Author’s name(s) and initials, paper titles, journal name, volume, issue, year and page numbers should be given for all references. The number of references should not normally exceed ten.
Names of animals and plants should be supplemented with Latin equivalents in brackets.
The International System of Units (SI) is preferred for all measurements.
3. Figures:
Only publication-quality images are accepted.
The number of illustrations depends on the volume of publication. For example, it is advisable to include about 20-30 illustrations for a 10-page manuscript (typeset in 12-point font size, 1.5 line-spaced).
Illustrations (figures, slides, black-and-white and colour photos) can be submitted in original or electronic format. Authors are encouraged to submit photographic images and figures in TIFF (high-resolution, 300-600 dpi for the size you would expect them to appear in publication). Otherwise, we can accept high-resolution JPEG files (at least 600 dpi for the final printed size). Line art images should be of very high resolution: at least 1200 dpi regardless of the size. All illustration files should be delivered as separate picture files. All legends should be placed at the end of the text file.
Xerox-copies of photographs are not accepted. On the reverse side of each photo, please, pencil the author’s name, an abbreviated title of the article, the number of illustration, and indicate its top.
Please include all figures and tables in a single file following the text. Number all tables and figures in the order of their citation in the text. Include a legend for each figure at the end of the manuscript.
Original illustrations, photographs, and slides will be returned to authors if requested.
4. Author Information:
Papers should be headed by the authors’ names (with one forename in full for each author, other forenames being given as initials) and by the name and postal address of their institution. Please provide us with authors’ photographs.
Please fill in the Questionnaire for Authors.