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Rubric: Humanities
Section: Archaeology
New Siberian Archaeology

New Siberian Archaeology

A basis for the development of humanities in Siberia was created at the beginning of the 1960s by famous scientists coming to work in Novosibirsk from major Russian cities. In 1966, after a number of reforms the Institute of History, Philology, and Philosophy was created in the Novosibirsk Scientific Center. It acquired the status of the major humanities institute in the structure of Siberian academic science.

The institute owes its great scientific achievements to outstanding organizing skills of its first director, academician A. P. Okladnikov. His scientific interests includedstudying of almost all developmental stages of the human society, from the early Stone Age to the late Middle Age and the New Age. It is no wonder that large-scale field research in different regions of Siberia and Central Asia has become an intrinsic part of the institute’s scientific activities. Many scientific discoveries of institute’s workers have become a part of the capital of Russian and world archeology, which is illustrated by a number of prestigious scientific awards, given to Siberian scientists.

A.P. Derevyanko, RAS academician, a prominent scientist in archaeology and ancient history, the Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

The findings and discoveries of scientists of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS in the last two decades are unique with no exaggeration. Owing to them there is now a possibility of solving scientific problems connected with human evolution, ancient migration, and cultural development on the territory of northern Asia and southern Siberia.

A large part of the institute’s activity consists of research conducted within the framework of integration programs of fundamental research of the Siberian Branch of RAS. For example, the project “Climate and Environment Changes in the Holocene and Pleistocene of Siberia in the Context of Global Changes” united the efforts of specialists from more than 15 institutes of SB RAS. The project “Paleogenetic Analysis of the Gene Pool of Ancient Siberian People” was based on molecular-genetic and anthropological analysis of biological material and resulted in the development of an ethnocultural concept of the origin, development, and historical fate of representatives of the Pazyryk culture, who occupied the Gorny Altai in the Early Iron Age.

Research within the framework of interdisciplinary programs has shown that the prospects of Siberian archaeology depend on its collaboration with natural and exact sciences, which is provided by the general strategy of science integration as a basis of SB RAS work laid by the founder of the Siberian Branch M. A. Lavrent’ev.

M. V. Shun’kov, doctor of History (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, NSC)